Keep Udus Clean

Monday, 14 March 2016

Usmanu Danfodiyo University is very well known as the most peaceful university in Nigeria. Our most peaceful university would however not even come to fore when considering some awards. One of them is obviously "The neatest university in Nigeria". Yes, you heard!!! Danfodiyo and danfodites can be pretty untidy.  At the Udus Blog, we would not like to nauseate you with some gory pictures of untidy places in UDUS. But here is just one example.

This is the frontage of one of the SU shops at the side of B09. This is one of its neatest states. Yes! It's usually worse than this. And of course there's a bin by the side that is hardly ever used except by the cleaners.
Here's a plea to all danfodites. A cleaner danfodiyo is a healthier and more beautiful danfodiyo. Endeavour to use the bin. Keep UDUS clean.

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Have an awesome week.
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